Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 74 in Spain! (21st Week in Mostoles)



This week started out with a lot of good goals.....but then I got sick, of course. I'm getting a lot better though. We've been focusing so much on finding new investigators. It’s so hard when you have nothing really going for you, but Hermana Hillman and I are working so hard and we've found a lot of promising people. We had a list of passby's to do one day and one person was home!!! It’s a women named Wendy and her boyfriend who is less active. The Hermanas before had passed by a couple times before and never once taught them the restoration! So we taught them that and it went really well. We'll see what happens. It really helped that her boyfriend is involved and maybe it will help him feel the need to come back as well.

This Wednesday we're going to a Madrid game as a district! I'm so excited! I bought a Madrid shirt and I'm so ready to go! I can't remember who it's against, but I'm excited! :)

Also on May 7 our mission is becoming an I-pad mission. I don't really know exactly what that means for me....I'll only have 20 days left.......but I guess I'll find out. The whole entire mission is meeting in Pavones together, I don't think that has ever happened in this mission yet. It'll be neat.

This week I went to the temple for the last time as a missionary! Que fuerte! It was really good, but the session was so big that they had to put all the missionaries in one session. Because there were mostly Americans....they did it in English.....and to make it even was the old video. I can see why they changed it! I really enjoyed Satan:) It was a spiritual experience though. It was weird sitting in the celestial room and knowing that would be my last time as a missionary. But I doubt my experiences there will be any different in the future. It was just a little bitter sweet. I can't wait to go back with you guys!

As it gets close to the end of my mission it has been really interesting looking back at experiences I have had. It has been so neat to see the change people make in their lives and seeing the atonement in action. But not only for our investigators and the people we come in contact with, but in other missionaries and even ourselves. I teach people about Jesus and his sacrifice for us everyday all day, but it isn't very often that I think about how it has changed my life and how it continues to change my life. If there is one thing I can say I learned from my mission is that we can all change. We will all change if we allow our savior to help us. It is a message of hope and happiness that I'll never really be able to understand fully. But I'm really thankful for how my mission has changed me.

I love you guys and I can't wait to talk to you. It will be here sooooo soooooon!

Con Amor, Hermana Brumble

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 73 in Spain! (20th Week in Mostoles)


Well, my week....honestly I never know what to tell you guys. My week was really good. I'm working really hard with Hermana Hillman. Making sure she knows the area and really just getting ready to just hand it over to her and let her take control. It's really weird thinking that she'll be the last companion and not even just that, but that I know exactly what is going to happen at the end of this's crazy!

Basically we're just trying to build up the area. We have investigators but not solid ones, so we go out contacting pretty often.  It's been a really fun transfer though, we get a long really well, everyone in the district.

This week was pretty much the same, we taught, went contacting, district meeting, played Futbol on Saturday.....well Hermana Hillman and I watched people play futbol.....sometimes the games just get too intense for us:) Sunday was probable the most eventful day of the week. :) Juan (our ward pianist) ended the "actual" sacrament meeting, like right when the priesthood go to sit back down, with a little musical postlude......that was fun. After that we met with my favorite member to eat! She’s older and super Spanish and I love her! We ate, then we washed her dishes and then she started having some medical issues....I got to practice some of my nursing skills! That was fun, I'm glad I remember at least some things. :) Then we went to choir and went contacting the rest of the night! Fun stuff!

Next week we're going to the temple! My LAST time as a missionary......que weird! I'm really excited, but nervous. Things are happening so fast and sometimes I don't feel prepared for them. But that’s life and you just have to take it a little at a time, move forward and you'll get the answers and guidance that you need along the way if you're doing what's right and aligning your choices with what God would want you to do. A lot of times I think that I need to stop and not make any decisions until I receive a sure and definite answer, but that's exactly what God doesn’t want us to do. We need to keep moving forward and trying to exercise the gift he gave us from the beginning, our agency! He trusts us to make good decisions, so we need to make them and pay attention to how we feel as we make them.

I'm super excited to see you all again. I love you so much and hope everything is great! I'll talk to you soon!


Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 72 in Spain! (19th Week in Mostoles)



Transfer day! I am staying in Mostoles! Till the END OF MY MISSION! AHHHH! Hermana Spencer went to Barrio 8 and I got Hermana Hillman. She is a couple of transfers behind me on the mission, so I'm going to area train her and then she'll take it from there! It’s really weird to think about, I just am trying to enjoy the last 6 weeks of my mission. There is an Elder in my district who's Spanish. He is finishing with me and always says "Disfruta tu mision...six weeks...the mission is happy" its good advice:)

I haven't been able to see all of conference, everything but the last session on Saturday. I really enjoyed it! I thought that they really stressed the importance of families that are strong in the gospel and how to strengthen your family in the gospel. I really like the messages about Christ and how he is always helping us and how we can help others as well.

The weather here is beautiful! I'm so lucky. I get to end when it is still nice and not too hot. It got a little chilly and rainy, but things are brightening up again and its very nice and beautiful. I can't wait to see the yard and our garden. I love our garden.....I'm not sure if I'm spelling that right.....our Jardín:)

I don’t have a lot of time because of transfers, but I wanted to tell you about my new companion. She is from Canada and served a couple of transfers there waiting for her visa. She is really sweet and really smart. She wants to go into financing.

I'm super excited for this transfer. I know it’s going to be harder because it’s my last. but I'm excited and I can't wait to see what happens! I love you guys and can't wait to see you!

Hermana Brumble

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 71 in Spain! (18th Week in Mostoles)



This week has been interesting:) We had Zone Meeting in Fuenlabrada. I was asked to sing......Scary! I was singing and everything was going along just fine, but then when Hermana Spencer was playing all of the sudden the piano just stopped!!!!! I was singing, but in my head I was thinking "should I stop? should I keep going? what do I do?" by the time I came up with my answer to just keep going, the piano came back on just in time to finish the last part of the song:)

It was also Semana Santa this week! It was celebrated a lot differently than in Gijon. There were a lot of parades and people, but not happy was kind of sad and disturbing actually. They carried around this really huge statue of a dead Jesus, kind of like a funeral march and there were a lot of people dressed up like the Klu Klux Klan. In the MTC they told us not to talk to them:) It was neat to see, but I'm thankful that we focus more on the birth, life, and resurrection rather than his death:) It was really sad.

Conference was great! I had a lot of things answered that I had been struggling with. It has been really interesting to me how easy it has been to apply what they say to myself during the time I've been a missionary. Before the mission when I watched it I listened and learned but I've never felt such a connection to the spirit and the words of the speakers. I decided that I wanted to listen to it in Spanish because it will be my last time on the mission. I really enjoyed it. I'm really going to miss it. I really loved President Packer’s talk and Elder Holland’s as well. The women’s conference talked a lot about marriage and families.....YIKES! I really liked Elder Wilcox’s talk about hearing the music and not just following the steps to the dance. Sometimes I feel like that and I have to stop and adjust something to really hear the spirit and know the importance of what I'm doing. There were a lot of things that I think Heavenly Father was trying to tell me. It was a good way to end conference as a missionary.

Today we went to Getafe to this really big park with the elders in our district and some missionaries in Leganes. It was really fun, we had a picnic and played Futbol. And then we took a walk to this catholic church with a big statue of Christ at the top. It was really cool and I took some pictures. I'll have to send them next time. I've been having a ton of fun with the elders in our district. Transfers are coming up this week and I'm worried that I'll go. I really hope I stay, but It's not about what I want:)

I hope you guys had a great week! I love you all:) Keep going!

Hermana Brumble