Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 5 in Gijion

Feb 10 2014:


Estoy muy bien, gracias. How are things back home? My days are pretty busy. we study and plan in the mornings and then depending on what day it is we either have meetings throughout the day, appointments, or proselyting. Then from 2 to 4 we have medio dia, where we eat or study, anything we need to get done. We shop on Mondays on p -day for groceries and anything else we need. Sister Zitting and I switch off every week who pays, we spend a lot less paying together than separate and just sharing everything, food wise. The money works out fine.

This week has been great, still slow, we are really just trying to find more investigators which is hard but I know we will find them. We pray for success every day, and I know Heavenly Father is providing for us. We exercise every morning. I have been studying the talks from last general conference and lessons from preach my gospel. Today I read Elder Bednar’s talk on tithing. It is so important and I loved how he talked about how we are blessed in subtle but significant ways. If we understand and see how the lord blesses us when we pay our tithing, people would understand and be a lot more willing to pay. He also said that tithing is much more than a duty, it is an important step in the process of personal sanctification.

I had companion exchanges in Oviedo this week, So much fun and I learned a lot. We are going to Madrid the end of this month for a mission tour. I am so excited!

Well I don’t have as much time as I usually do so I have to end my letter short. But I am doing great and I love you all! Thank you for the examples you have been in my life and during the past couple of months. I think and pray for you often! I love you

Con Amor-Hermana Brumble

Week 4 in Gijion

Feb 3 2014:

I´m glad everyone is doing well. It helps a lot to hear how everyone is doing. Bennett sounds like he is getting quite the attitude. That is so funny. I can’t believe he is starting to walk and talk! He is getting so big and he looks like Sammie so much now! What a handsome little boy ¡Muy Guapo! 

It sounds like Sunday was a great experience. Fasting is so important. Our Fast Sunday will be next week. Yesterday was our District Conference. It is kind of like Stake Conference, but because all of Asturias has branches, we are one big district. So branches from Oviedo, Leon, and different areas all came to Gijón for Conference. We had a special broadcast from Elder Ballard from Salt Lake City. It was so good. We had a really good experience and our investigator Nelson came! SO GOOD!

This week has been good. Kind of slow because a lot of our appointments fell through. But this week looks a little better. We are going to really focus on finding people this week. We really need some more investigators. We found one from door approaches, she is Romanian and has a really cute little family. We are meeting with her this week. Hopefully she becomes an investigator.

My meeting with President was really good. It was our transfer meeting because transfers are in a couple of weeks. It was really good. I love President and Sister Jackson, they really care about each of us. I don’t think anything will happen to Sister Zitting and I so that’s good. We are doing companion exchanges this week. I am going to Oviedo on Friday with Sister Trone. That will be fun, I’m pretty exited!

I read some talks this week. They were really good and I highly recommend them for Joseph. Unfortunately, I forgot the list at my Piso (apartment), but one of them is The Fourth Missionary (attached). It is pretty well known, I’m sure you can find it. I have really tried hard this week to rely on faith. Sister Zitting and I are really putting all of our energy into finding more investigators. Contacting can be so hard, but so rewarding. I really want to become more sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit so I can find the people prepared to hear our message. Thank you for your message about "paying the price" That is so true, I am going to try really hard to work for the blessing I want to receive. We each need to do our part so Heavenly Father can bless us.

Thank you so much for the examples you are to me. I love you guys so much and miss you a lot! I know Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us. And that we are being blessed for our efforts and sufferings here (Romans 8:18 - For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us). I can’t wait to hear from you and how you are doing!

Con Amor (with love)! Hermana Brumble!

Pictures From MTC- Madrid Spain