Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 40 in Spain! (10th in Madrid)


This week has been great, things are really starting to pick up. We have some good investigators right now who have a lot of interest in the church. One is a cook at the MTC, COOL! I'm doing great! I was a little emotional this week with Joseph leaving, but I think I'll be fine. Sunday it finally hit me that I wasn't going to see him, I got a little emotional during sacrament, que vergûenza (what a shame) because President decided to come to our Sacrament meeting and he sat right by me, Ha but it was fine.

(Speaking about Pasqual) I love them both a lot and can't wait for you to meet them. They did something really neat for Hermana Reyes and I yesterday. We got there and they said they had a surprise for us. They took us into their study room and they had an American flag hanging up. Then Pascual wobbled over to his desk where he pulled out a tape and played the Star-spangled banner. He had all of us stand and put our hands on our hearts. Then he told us all about flying the B-29 and how much he loved America and how he considers himself an American. He told us that they want their home to be a home away from home for us. They are two very special people. We shared a scripture in Alma 11 with them about Zeezrom trying to tempt Aaron to deny the christ by giving him money and how Aaron refused. Grandpa Golightly sent me a 2 dollar bill for the fourth of July and I thought it would be special to give it to them. We wrote our names on it and gave it to them. They were so excited. I can't wait for them to meet you.

Today I received a miracle. I knew it was my last time I would receive an email from Joseph while he was home, I was so nervous. I opened my email and there was no email. My heart dropped. I wanted to hear from him before he left. I decided to take a break from family e-mails and email president. I said a prayer in my heart asking if it was possible that I receive an email from Joseph. I finished emailing president and went back to my email account and there was an email from Joseph. What a tender mercy! I love him so much and can't believe this week is finally here. I am so proud of him, he is a very special person and I know he is going to bless so many lives. Heavenly Father has a special work for him to do.

I love you guys so much, thanks for looking out for me and doing so much for me. I feel your love and support here which is something a lot of missionaries don't have. I am so blessed and privileged to be given a family as special and important as you. It is so important to me that I try my best to share this wonderful blessing with others so that they can have that same joy.

Hermana Brumble

P.S. Tomorrow is my half way mark! Now you can say it:) Feliz Cumplemes(happy ?something) to me!!! :) See you in Nine months!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 39 in Spain! (9th in Madrid)


We had a great week! We have been working so hard and My attitude has really changed a lot. I feel good about what we are doing. I know that the best way to cope with those feelings is more work. Heavenly Father blesses us for our work and our labors, sometimes I just need to have more gratitude and recognize those blessings more. When we have a bad attitude I think sometimes he is slower with giving us blessings. I know I would be. We are receiving some really good things here. I am excited.

Pascual was so excited to talk to you. He was begging me for your number. He really wanted you to know how much the love us. He said he was going to try again, he really wants to talk to you. We are going to see him tonight, he'll probably ask for your number again. I told him I couldn't talk to you though, so he knows I'm not breaking the rules.

I really appreciated your message about courage. Sometimes I get too comfortable where I am and what I have. I need to be more bold with people. Taking chances and trusting in Heavenly Father (having humility) is what brings miracles. He can only give miracles according to our faith, and faith is an action word. We need to ACT! We have been really trying to find more people. Yesterday we purposely didn’t schedule any lessons from 6 to 10! We contacted the whole time! That was hard, but Heavenly Father blessed us with some really good people. We are also going to parks more. I fell a lot more comfortable with contacting someone walking by on the street than someone sitting down with their boyfriend/girlfriend or when they are doing something with their family. But there is so much potential there and we need to work harder with talking to everyone. I need more courage and humility. Thanks for always being an example of both.

I'm so glad you got the box! I was so worried about that. Everything is from Toledo, a really old little town in Spain. The swords are some classic Spanish swords and yours is a replica of the ones from the crusades. The fans are a Spanish tradition. Everyone uses fans here. The actual Spanish fans are a lot more elaborate and made out of fabric, but super expensive. They are hand painted though. And mom's shawl was made by this really super old Spanish woman, it is very traditional as well. The necklaces are from this really famous brand only made in Toledo. I'm glad everyone liked everything.

We always think that we want these really hard experiences in our missions to prove that we can handle them or to receive the blessings from them. I have noticed a difference in attitude and feeling when we are thinking about the trial and when we are actually in one. It is easy to say, but not so easy to do. How we act during our trials are a true reflection of our character. I'm grateful for the trials that I have. I know I am being shaped by them and that through them, I am moving forward on this path. Without trials we just stand still. My testimony of my Savior is so much stronger. I have truly learned to rely on Him and the Atonement.

We had Zone Meeting this Wednesday and President has decided that as a mission we are going to read the Book of Mormon and finish on December 23. We are going to have a special devotional with everyone to finish. We are also going to memorize D&C 4 in Spanish for the 28th of August which is our Zone Conference. I'm super excited!

Thanks for everything, I love you.

Hermana Brumble

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 38 in Spain! (8th in Madrid)


My week was AMAZING! WE had such a great week! We had a lot of lessons and worked so hard. It feels good when you don't have a lot of down time. A lot of people are gone on vacations right now so it's been pretty slow, but this week was a good change. We received a lot of good people that have some potential, so I’m great! I'm not sure if we'll have a baptism anytime soon, but I feel good about what we're doing.

We have been having some weird things happen in our piso, and some bad feelings, so we had it blessed. I feel a lot better in it now and we haven't had anything happen in it since, so it think we're good. The Elders who lived in it weren't being obedient and we found some things that they weren't supposed to have, so I think that's why the spirit wasn't there, but we cleaned it out and blessed it, so things should be better.

I wish we would have a storm here, ITS HOT! That's one thing I miss about the North, It was always cool and usually always raining. Here there is no wind and no rain, just sun! So the heat just sits.

I miss gardening. I miss plants in general. The city is a lot different. I don't think I could be a city girl. I'd go crazy after a while. I think I am going to buy a cactus. :)

I would love to go to the Castle Valley Pageant! That sounds like a lot of fun! I’ve been reading Our Heritage lately, I love church history, it’s really interesting. We'll have to plan a trip.

I have learned a lot about the importance of follow up. If we don't follow up there is no way to know if people are progressing, if there are problems you don’t know about, or questions that haven’t been answered. It shows that you aren't serious about what you are teaching and that the investigators don’t have to take the commitments seriously. A commitment without a follow up is nothing and you're really just wasting time. Also following up in our prayers. Every night it has been so important to me to go over the things that has been happening that week and that day. Like a daily report of the things we are doing. So He knows what we are doing, what we need, what our investigators need, and then He can help us feel and know what we need to improve on. I've really felt my testimony and relationship with my Heavenly Father change just because of that one basic principle of follow up.

I like that story too (story of Abe and Neva from the Castle Valley Pageant). It is so important that we have goals and know what is important in our lives and then to align our lives so that we can achieve those goals. We can’t have a goal and tell Heavenly Father that's what we want and hope it works out. It is us who needs to exercise our agency and work for what we want, but to also be aware and sensitive to spiritual promptings he gives us just in case we are a little off of the path, so we can change, repent, and move forward. Sometimes we will even have to turn around.

One thing that happened to me that I have avoided until a couple days ago is that I got BESOS (kissed)!!!!! We contacted this crazy in the street who was just going on and on about his weird philosophies, he didn't look crazy, but he was, then he started getting super creepy and gave me besos, so gross! At least we got a street lesson out of it and his number......we gave the number to the elders though. :) yuck!!

We met with Pascual and Ana again. He is the one that is blind and served in the US Airforce for 25 years and speaks perfect English! He's met a bunch of super important ambassadors and is super cool! He showed us a bunch of pictures and his certificate. He showed us the American flag the US gave him. He is so cool. He even flew in the B-28? I can't remember, but it is a famous one! He wants to call you to tell you that we are lifelong friends and to tell you that I'm safe and that I have a home with them. He and his wife are so cute. I'm not too worried about their salvation. :) I sing for them and he sings Frank Sinatra for us, he's cute.

I sure love you guys! you are in my prayers every night! Thank you for everything, for you love and examples to me! Have a great week!

Hermana Brumble

Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 37 in Spain! (7th in Madrid)


This week has been BUSY! It was the week of transfers, I’m still in Barrio 1 with Hermana Reyes:) SO EXCITED! It has been a week full of miracles! We have 4 new investigators who have a TON of potential. This new transfer is going to be full of baptisms, I can feel it! One thing that we are doing today that I am kind of nervous about is blessing our piso....we have been having some weird things happening, so we are going to dedicate our piso tonight, kind of scary. More than anything, you just never feel right in our piso, it has been open for a while and this mission used to have a lot of missionaries that were disobedient, we think it could be because of that. But we haven't been sleeping well and you just feel spiritually "unsettled" We've cleaned it out and found a lot of things that missionaries shouldn't have, and now we are going to bless it, hopefully it works:)

Thanks for answering my question about your mission. I feel like I don't know anything about it, I would like to know more:) I think it could help me a lot.

We should definitely go to Moab again. The last time I was there was when we met up with everyone after Philmont. Were the Nagy's there? Let’s plan a trip for when I get back. After the vacation to Hawaii with the girls of course;) I want to go jeeping? Did Joseph drive the jeep? Scary! I think I'd be fine it the passenger seat:) I like what you said about the sand. It is like experiences we have in life. When we are in a trial that's deep and we don't really see a way out, we need to try our best, pray and have hope that "the trail in front of us was easier than what we’d just gone through." That has helped me a lot on the mission I think. A lot of things I have gone through have been hard, but I know if I do my best Heavenly Father will help me and that I will have the strength and knowledge from that trial to get me through whatever else comes my way.

Joseph Told me about his temple experience. That is great! It reminds me of my first time. Not knowing exactly everything but trusting and having faith that It was for the best. I felt so comfortable and so right. It has blessed me here and given me strength and power to do things I didn’t think were possible. The temple is such a blessing, I can’t wait to one day be sealed and have an eternal family.

I sure love you guys and am thinking of you!

Love Hermana Brumble.