Mom and Dad,
Everything is going great! I love it here more and more each day. It’s crazy how long I’ve been here. I just realized today that I only have a couple of weeks left. Tell mom that I am warm enough. It is really pleasant here, my companion is from California so everything is 10 times colder to her.
Today, when we went to the temple, it was raining so hard! It is so beautiful here, it gets really foggy sometimes, but I love it. Today is kind of crazy, so I dont have a lot of time to email. We had a meeting about a our residency identification card. I have a meeting with the police on February 4 to do finger printing and then I will get my card 40 days after that. I’m kind of scared.
I had a really cool experience at the park on Thursday. I was with Hermana Samuelson. We were on the metro, and didn’t get off at the right stop. We got of at the one after and both decided that it was Heavenly Father´s way of telling us we needed to talk to someone at this stop. We walked probably ten steps when I looked over and saw this guy sitting waiting for the metro. At the same time Hermana Samuelson and I looked at each other and said “him”. We went up to him and started to talk to him. His name was Juan and had never heard about the Mormons before. He took a Book of Mormon and was really excited to read it. He asked us if there would be a way to reach us if he wanted to know more. We got a referral from him and two other people that day. Definitely a tender mercy from my Heavenly Father. It was a great day.
I’m so glad everything is going well with you. I love hearing about what everyone is doing. Tell mom congratulations and that she´ll get a letter from me. I don’t have much more time so I will probably send you a letter. I haven’t gotten any packages yet, but have gotten letters from grandma and grandpa and Karl and Suzanne. Please tell Mike and Lynn Criddle thank you for the letters and that I will try my best to send them a letter. Also tell Janice Wayman thank you for the uplifting emails.
I will talk to you soon! I love you all!!!
¡Le Amo!-Hermana Brumble